What is the EORI Number?
The EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) Number is a unique identifier assigned to businesses engaged in international trade, particularly within the European Union (EU). The primary purpose of the EORI Number is to facilitate the identification of businesses during customs procedures.
The EORI Number is typically a combination of letters and numbers and is issued by the customs authorities of the country where a business is established. This number allows customs authorities to uniquely identify and track businesses involved in import and export activities.
Key advantages of the EORI Number include:
Identification and Tracking: Facilitates the unique identification of businesses during customs processes, making it easier to track trade transactions.
Security: Enhances the security of customs procedures by providing a means of authentication for businesses engaged in international trade.
Expedited Processing: Having an EORI Number can expedite customs processes and help prevent delays in trade transactions.
Businesses typically obtain an EORI Number by applying to the customs authority of their respective country and completing specific application procedures. It is common practice for businesses engaging in international trade to acquire an EORI Number before conducting import and export activities.